Paying It Forward For Those You Know!
Some Members Like to "Pay It Forward" For Those They May Know And Treat Them to Their First Months Upgrade
We Accommodate Those Who Like This Provision
BUT in No Way Pressurizes Members TO PIF for Anyone
Having said that some like to help their downline out so the cost to you when you Pay It Forward for someone in your downline is just $4 using ether ORU or Bank Card.
We have made the fee just $4 so that more members can afford to help their downline with their first Months upgrade plus it eliminates the paying out of commissions to those Paying it Forward.
BUT know this if those you pay for, like what they see and upgrade to Pro Plus at the end of their PIF Month you will start to make those generous $6 residual commissions.
Remember: You will only pay your Downline's first Month's upgrade, they will be responsible for paying their ongoing Monthly Subscription by hitting the upgrade button in their members Area at Buildabizonline.
As with all downline's please help them as much as you can
If you wish to pay your Downline's first Monthly Fee using ORU please send $4 to...
Name: Ian Stewart
Username: buildabiz
Please e-mail admin letting us know the person who you've paid for!
If you wish to pay your Downline's first Monthly Fee using Your Bank Card fill in the details Below
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Please e-mail admin letting us know the person who you've paid for!